About Me:
Hi guys, my name is Tamber. I have been blogging for about 4 years now. I am sure that I started the way that most do. I started keeping a blog for my family, as a journal.
One day someone asked me....'What do you like to do for fun?'
It kind of shocked me that I didn't really have an answer for that. So I set out on a journey to discover what I really did love to do for fun.
I discovered a handful of things, including (but definitely not limited to)...
Cake Decorating
Doing fun Project with my kids
Constructing/Repairing things
Training for Triathlons
and Blogging
So, that is when I decided to create a blog that combined these things to share ideas with family and friends. Hopefully I can inspire someone else to figure out what they really love doing for fun.
I spending time with my kids. They are so much fun. They inspire me, keep me motivated and continually progressing to become a better person and mom.
I also love my job as a Swim Coach at Brigham Young University. I get to interact with these amazing College Student everyday during the school year. I meet new freshman and transfers each year that have an effect on my life. It is so neat to meet so many different kids from so many different background. My children also enjoy their 'swim pool friends'. Thanks goodness they are all such great examples to my children, cause they idolize them.
Here is my cute family...
If you would like to contact me, please email me at tc4swim (at) hotmail (dot) com.