Our table is a little....okay, a lot USED. Our kids have forked it over and over, dug holes in it, etc. I have been wanting a dining room remodel for a while.
Okay, so I didn't get the whole remodel of the dining room, but one new piece can make a big difference.
Here is a picture of what our dining room recently looked like:
Here is a picture of what our dining room recently looked like:
Our dining table was so bad that I had to start covering it with a table cloth to make it look half way decent.
So, when my friend moved into her new house and the previous owners had left a table there, I told her that I wanted it (thank you Rebecca) since she was just going to get rid of it.
Here it was at the beginning.
The leaf (that was folded under during these pictures) was actually in good shape, but I wanted to stain the top dark.
So, I started by putting the leaf in and stripping and sanding the entire top.
So, I started by putting the leaf in and stripping and sanding the entire top.
(here is a picture of the leaf )
Then I used a combination poly and stain (5 coats of it) to stain the top and get exactly the color that I wanted it to be.
Here is how it turned out...
Here is how it turned out...
I still plan on painting my chairs an off white to match the bottom of the table. I am super excited. I love how it turned out. I can't wait to see how it looks all put together with the chairs done and everything.

Turned out great! I love it. I keep telling myself that someday we will have nice furniture.